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Peer Reviewed Article   - October 11, 2024

The Contribution of Employment and Working Conditions to Occupational Inequalities in Non-Communicable Diseases in Europe

This research article concludes that employment and working conditions are important determinants of occupational inequalities in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and recommends consideration of labour market regulations be considered in the formulation of NCD prevention.

The Contribution of Employment and Working Conditions to Occupational Inequalities in Non-Communicable Diseases in Europe

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Europe Peer Reviewed Article   UK and International

Peer Reviewed Article   - October 11, 2024

Health Inequalities in Europe: Does Minimum Income Protection Make a Difference?

This research article investigates how minimum income protection is associated with socio-economic health inequalities.

Health Inequalities in Europe

Keywords: Health and Income Security and Social Protection International Peer Reviewed Article   UK UK and International

Online Tool   - October 11, 2024

Systems for change: Driving social and economic development

This platform captures the learning from systems making strides on supporting broader social and economic development in integrated care systems. Presenting practical insights in bitesize chunks, it guides you through everything you need to know to make progress on social and economic development.

Systems for change: Driving social and economic development

Keywords: Health and Income Security and Social Protection Identify and develop options Online Tool   Solutions UK

Report    - October 11, 2024

Revenue, capital, prevention: a new public spending framework for the future

This briefing paper calls for the creation of a new category within government expenditure – Preventative Departmental Expenditure Limits (PDEL). This would classify and ringfence preventative investment, in order to inject long-termism into public spending.

Revenue, capital, prevention: a new public spending framework for the future

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Develop a long-term vision Evaluate success Health and Income Security and Social Protection Identify and develop options Report    Solutions UK

Report    - October 11, 2024

Overcoming Health Inequalities in ‘Left Behind’ Neighbourhoods

This report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for left-behind neighbourhoods describes the impact of poor health for those living in deprived areas and 'left behind' neighbourhoods in England and provides a number of policy recommendations for reducing health inequalities at the neighbourhood and community level.

Overcoming Health Inequalities in ‘Left Behind’ Neighbourhoods

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Health and Living Conditions Report    UK UK and International

Report    - October 11, 2024

OECD Employment Outlook 2022

Looking at labour market recovery from the pandemic and how this has been further impacted by the Ukraine conflict; reviewing the key labour market and social challenges for a more inclusive post-COVID 19 recovery. Focuses upon vulnerability through attention given to frontline workers and groups lagging behind in labour market recovery (young people, workers with less education, and racial/ethnic minorities). Solutions focused through the examination of policies to address these challenges and the outlook ahead.

OECD Employment Outlook 2022

Keywords: Europe Health and Employment and Working Conditions International Report    UK and International

Peer Reviewed Article   - October 11, 2024

Is There an Association Between Working Conditions and Health?: An Analysis of the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey Data

This research article on European working conditions presents results that show that encouraging working conditions, work environment, and job support are associated with both better self-assessed health and better objective health.

Is There an Association Between Working Conditions and Health?: An Analysis of the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey Data

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Europe Health and Employment and Working Conditions International Peer Reviewed Article   UK and International

Peer Reviewed Article   - October 11, 2024

Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Estimates of the Impact of English Public Health Grant on Mortality and Morbidity

In this paper, researchers examined the availability of a funding formula for the public health grant to investigate the relationship between such expenditure and mortality.

Is an Ounce of Prevention Worth a Pound of Cure? Estimates of the Impact of English Public Health Grant on Mortality and Morbidity

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Develop a long-term vision Health and Health Services Health Economics International Peer Reviewed Article   Report   

Peer Reviewed Article   - October 11, 2024

Income Security During Periods of Ill Health: A Scoping Review of Policies, Practice and Coverage in Low-income and Middle-income Countries

This research article concludes that informal employment in the EU-27 is characterised by worse working conditions and employment precariousness than the conditions for formal employees. Also, that there is no evidence that being in informal employment implies better health outcome compared to permanent employees.

Income Security During Periods of Ill Health

Keywords: Define the problem and its root causes Europe Health and Employment and Working Conditions International Peer Reviewed Article   UK and International

Infographic   - October 11, 2024

Impact of the Socio-Economic Crisis on FEBA Members

Looking at evidence-based insights into the repercussions of the cost-of-living crisis, on the operations of Food Banks and on the profile of end beneficiaries supported through charitable organisations across member countries within Europe. Illustrates increasing need for Food Banks and also increasing vulnerability to food insecurity including groups most vulnerable to this.

Impact of the Socio-Economic Crisis on FEBA Members

Keywords: Europe Health and Income Security and Social Protection Infographic   Leaflet/Fact Sheet   Report    UK and International