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Childcare Offer Wales

The Welsh Government Childcare Offer for Wales sets out help with childcare costs for working parents of 3 to 4 year olds.

Childcare Offer Wales


Warm Homes Programme

The Welsh Government statement on the Warm Homes Programme Annual Reports

Warm Homes Programme


Discretionary Assistance Fund

The Welsh Government guidance on eligbility and applying for the Discretionary Assistance Fund

Discretionary Assistance Fund


Flying Start

The Welsh Government guidance for local authorities, professionals and parents.

Flying Start


Families First

The Welsh Government guidance for local authorities about planning and providing services funded by Families First.

Families First


Youth Homelessness Innovation Fund

The Welsh Government press release on projects to tackle homelessness among young people.

Youth Homelessness Innovation Fund


Tackling Fuel Poverty 2021 to 2035

The Welsh Government plan to support people struggling to meet the cost of their domestic energy needs.

Tackling Fuel Poverty 2021 to 2035


Equality Plan and Objectives: 2020 to 2024

The Welsh Government plan sets out aims, objectives and actions to tackle inequality and make our society fairer and more inclusive, including the long-term aim to eliminate inequality caused by poverty

Equality Plan and Objectives: 2020 to 2024


Raising Awareness of Children’s Rights

The Welsh Government plan to raise awareness of the 'United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child' in Wales until the end of 2023.

Raising Awareness of Children’s Rights


Childcare Offer for Wales: National Digital Service Assisted Digital Strategy

The support arrangements to help people who are unable to use the Childcare Offer digital service unaided.

Childcare Offer for Wales: National Digital Service Assisted Digital Strategy


UK Strategy for Financial Well-being: Delivery Plan for Wales

What Welsh Government is doing to help people make the most of their money now and in the future.

UK Strategy for Financial Well-being: Delivery Plan for Wales


Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act

The Act will establish a new body responsible for the oversight, strategic direction and leadership of the Post-Compulsory, Education & Training (PCET) sector.

Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act


Welsh Government Budget Improvement Plan 2023 to 2024

Welsh Governments plan to improve the budget using the Well-being of Future Generations Act and the 5 ways of working.

Welsh Government Budget Improvement Plan 2023 to 2024


Our National Mission: High Standards and Aspirations for All

Welsh Government's national mission is to achieve high standards and aspirations for all by tackling the impact of poverty on educational attainment and supporting every learner.

Our National Mission: High Standards and Aspirations for All