
Children and young people's plan
The Plan set out the promises Welsh Government has made to support children and young people.
Children and young people's plan
Charter for unpaid carers
Charter explaining the legal rights of unpaid carers in Wales under the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014.
Anti-racist Wales Action Plan
The An Anti-racist Wales Action Plan (the Plan) builds on previous Welsh Government initiatives on race equality.
Strengthening our community care system
What the Welsh Government plans to do to help older and vulnerable people.
Strengthening our community care system
Social services national outcomes framework
A report on the well-being of people who receive care and support and unpaid carers who receive support
Social services national outcomes framework
Strategy for an ageing society: delivery plan progress May 2023
How the Welsh Government intends to meet targets outlined in the strategy for an ageing society delivery plan.
Strategy for an ageing society: delivery plan progress May 2023
Strengthening our community care system
What the Welsh Government plans to do to help older and vulnerable people.
Strengthening our community care system
Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan 2019-2022
The Welsh Government plan to improve the mental health of the nation.
Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan 2019-2022
Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
The Welsh Government implementation plan to reduce the number of 11 to 25 year olds who are not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET)
Youth Engagement and Progression Framework
Supporting Young People in the Justice system
The Welsh Government Youth Justice Implementation Plan to support young people in or at risk of entering the criminal justice system.
Supporting Young People in the Justice system
Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales Obesity Strategy
The Welsh Government strategy sets out what is doing to support people to make healthier choices and lead more active lives, including healthy childcare settings, schools, and higher, further and other educational settings.
Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales Obesity Strategy
Equality Plan and Objectives: 2020 to 2024
The Welsh Government plan sets out aims, objectives and actions to tackle inequality and make our society fairer and more inclusive, including the long-term aim that everyone in Wales is able to participate in political, public and everyday life.
Equality Plan and Objectives: 2020 to 2024
COVID-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities
The Welsh Government document sets out priorities to help stabilise Wales as we continue to live with coronavirus, prevent longer-term damage and plan to build a new future, including ensuring that young people do not lose educationally or economically
COVID-19 Reconstruction: Challenges and Priorities
Digital Strategy for Wales
The Welsh Government document sets out priorities to help stabilise Wales as we continue to live with coronavirus, prevent longer-term damage and plan to build a new future, including ensuring that young people do not lose educationally or economically
Programme for Government 2021 to 2026
The updated Welsh Government programme for government, including a commitent to continue its long-term programme of education reform, and ensure educational inequalities narrow and standards rise.
Programme for Government 2021 to 2026
Cymraeg 2050: Our Plan for 2021 - 2026
The Welsh Government work programme 2021 to 2026 to help achieve a million Welsh speakers and double the daily use of Welsh by 2050.
Cymraeg 2050: Our Plan for 2021 - 2026
Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence: Strategy 2022 to 2026
How Welsh Government will work with other organisations to tackle violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence: Strategy 2022 to 2026
Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Units Strategy
Describes the scope and emerging priorities of the Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Units.
Equality, Race and Disability Evidence Units Strategy
Anti-racist Wales Action Plan
What Welsh Government are going to do to make Wales anti-racist.
LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales
Welsh Governments plan to make Wales the most LGBTQ+ friendly nation in Europe.
Period Proud Wales Action Plan
Welsh Governments plan to end period poverty and achieve period dignity in Wales.
Period Proud Wales Action Plan
Strategy for an Ageing Society: Delivery Plan
How Welsh Government intend to meet the targets outlined in the 'Age friendly Wales: our strategy for an ageing society’
Strategy for an Ageing Society: Delivery Plan
The Quality Statement for Women and Girls’ Health
The quality statement by Welsh Government describes what good quality women's health services look like.
The Quality Statement for Women and Girls’ Health
Delivering Justice for Wales
Welsh Government approach to reforming the justice system, and delivering better outcomes for the people of Wales.
Well-being of Future Generations: Continuous Learning and Improvement Plan for 2023 to 2025
Deepening the understanding and application of the sustainable development principle at the heart of how Welsh Government works.
Well-being of Future Generations: Continuous Learning and Improvement Plan for 2023 to 2025