Health Economics

A review of evidence on socio-economic disadvantage and inequalities of outcome
This is a rapid literature review of which sought to resent a picture of socio-economic disadvantage and the related inequalities of outcome in Wales especially in particular communities, focusing on those with protected characteristics and communities and/or places of interest.
A review of evidence on socio-economic disadvantage and inequalities of outcome
What’s Next? Key Issues for the Sixth Senedd
This report by the Welsh Parliament Senedd Research explores the challenging social, economic and public policy issues of the day in Wales, including the challenge of ending homelessness and issues of public transport, farming and nature.
What’s Next? Key Issues for the Sixth Senedd
The Costs and Consequences of Violence to the Healthcare System in Wales
This report by Liverpool John Moores University identifies and measures the costs of violence to the healthcare system in Wales, using cost-of-illness (COI) methods. It concludes that violence imposes a large economic burden on the healthcare system in Wales, with an estimated £46.6 million spent on addressing the short-term consequences of violence in 2018/19.
The Costs and Consequences of Violence to the Healthcare System in Wales
Gambling as a Public Health Issue in Wales
This report by Bangor University and Public Health Wales explores the financial, health and social impacts of gambling, which groups are more vulnerable to gambling harms, and what can be done to prevent gambling harms in Wales.
Gambling as a Public Health Issue in Wales
Gambling-related Harms Evidence Review: The Economic and Social Cost of Harms
This report by Public Health England estimated the excess direct cost to government and the excess cost to wider society associated with at-risk and problem gamblers in England.
Gambling-related Harms Evidence Review: The Economic and Social Cost of Harms
How to Make the Case for Sustainable Investment in Well-being and Health Equity: A Practical Guide
This practical guide by Public Health Wales outlines a step-by-step process of how to synthesise, translate and communicate public health and health economics evidence into policy and practice, making the case for sustainable investment in well-being and health equity. The guide argues that population health is an economic asset and a productive good. It is intended to help key stakeholders, advocates for health and equity, civil servants and other health and non-health professionals who have a role in informing, influencing or shaping national and subnational policy and practice.
How to Make the Case for Sustainable Investment in Well-being and Health Equity: A Practical Guide
Driving Prosperity for All through Investing for Health and Well-being: An Evidence Informed Guide for Cross-sector Investment
This guide by Public Health Wales suggests policy options for priority investment in Wales, based on the best available Welsh and European evidence. The policy options address areas of high burden and costs, as well as demonstrating co-benefits (returns) to the economy, society and the environment, including investing in universal social protection. The guide can be used by policy- and decision-makers across national and local government, the health and social care service, and public bodies in all other sectors in Wales.
Circular Economies and Sustainable Health and Well-being
The report, ‘Circular Economies and Sustainable Health and Well-being: The public health impact of public bodies refocusing on waste reduction and reuse in Wales’, details how implementing policies to reduce and re-use waste, alongside recycling schemes will have possible significant positive impacts on health and well-being for the whole population of Wales. These include contributing to tackling the climate emergency and thereby reducing air pollution, reducing risk of extreme weather events, increased sustainable production of food and improved mental health and well-being.
Circular Economies and Sustainable Health and Well-being