Vulnerability and Unmet Needs
Health and Employment and Working Conditions
Inequality in a Future Wales: Areas for Action in Work, Climate and Demographic Change
This report explores how three key trends – changes to how we work, climate change and demographic change – may affect inequalities in a future Wales. It identifies that preparations for a changing future of work should focus on job redesign and training and that new policies, such as Universal Basic Income (UBI) and remote working, need to consider equality.
Inequality in a Future Wales: Areas for Action in Work, Climate and Demographic Change
A COVID-19 Pandemic World and Beyond: The Public Health Impact of Home and Agile Working in Wales Summary Report
This Health Impact Assessment summary report identifies a broad range of positive and negative implications from home and agile working for the workforce in Wales, both in the short and longer term, and identifies actions that could be adopted to promote individual, community and societal well-being which also meet the needs of organisations and employers.
Refugee Employment and Skills Support Study
This independent study looks at the employment aspirations, skills and experience of refugees and asylum seekers and the barriers they face in funding employment.
Refugee Employment and Skills Support Study
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
This independent research report by Alma Economics, commissioned by Tai Pawb, the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru and Shelter Cymru, explores housing and housing inequality in Wales. The report presents evidence that has explored associations between unaffordable housing with productivity losses and economic impact.
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
A More Equal Wales: The Socio-economic Duty - Examples of Inequalities of Outcome Due to Socio-Economic Disadvantage and COVID-19
This guidance document by Welsh Government presents examples of inequalities of outcome which arise from socio-economic disadvantage and where these have been exacerbated as a result of COVID-19, including issues of sector shutdowns, younger workers and lower earners. The guidance is intended to be a useful starting point for policy makers in their consideration of inequality of outcomes arising from socio-economic disadvantage.
COVID-19 and Employment Changes in Wales: What We Know About Current and Future Impacts
This report presents evidence that certain population groups have been more affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than others, including young people, women, black and minority ethnic groups, low income families and single parents.
COVID-19 and Employment Changes in Wales: What We Know About Current and Future Impacts
Characteristics of Those Most Vulnerable to Employment Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationally Representative Cross-sectional Study in Wales
This research article reveals that a number of vulnerable population groups experienced detrimental employment outcomes during the initial stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales. It recommends that to ensure that health and wealth inequalities are not exacerbated by COVID-19 or the economic response to the pandemic, interventions should include the promotion of secure employment and target the groups identified as most susceptible to the emerging harms of the pandemic.
COVID-19 and Employment Changes in Wales: Insights for Policy, Young People, Employment and Health
Public Health Wales commissioned Beaufort Research to explore perspectives on employment challenges faced by young people (with and without dependent children) related to the pandemic; and what could be done to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 related employment changes on young people.
COVID-19 and Employment Changes in Wales: Insights for Policy, Young People, Employment and Health
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
This report by Welsh Government explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled people in Wales, including how experiences of work and employment have contributed to the disadvantages disabled people have experienced during the pandemic.
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
Emerging Drivers of Vulnerability to Health Inequity in the Context of COVID-19: Perspectives and Response from the Voluntary and Community Sector in Wales
This report by Public Health Wales sets out qualitative research with participants recruited from a range of Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations in Wales. The report identifies key emergent needs related to the pandemic, including economic insecurity due to strained household finances and job loss, as well as worsening mental health due to anxiety and loneliness, digital exclusion, loss of face-to-face services and limitations in the statutory response.
Survey Results 2020: Fertility Matters at Work
Survey results from the 2020 survey looking into women's fertility experiences within the workplace, including any relevant policy in place, support offered, and impacts this may have had upon their career trajectory.
Survey Results 2020: Fertility Matters at Work
Manifesto for a Gender Equal Wales
In this Manifesto, Chwarae Teg sets out their vision for how the next Welsh Government can deliver a gender equal Wales where all women, of all backgrounds, can fulfil their potential and achieve equal outcomes.
Manifesto for a Gender Equal Wales