Vulnerability and Unmet Needs

Loneliness Inequalities Evidence Review
The review summarises evidence from the UK and internationally about which groups in society disproportionately experience loneliness, including racially minoritised people, migrants, LGBT+ people, disabled people, those in poor physical or mental health, carers, unemployed people, and people living in poverty.
Loneliness Inequalities Evidence Review
The health of people from ethnic minority groups in England
This long read examines ethnic differences in health outcomes, highlighting the variation across ethnic groups and health conditions, and considers what’s needed to reduce health inequalities.
The health of people from ethnic minority groups in England
Children and the cost of living crisis in Wales: How children’s health and well-being are impacted and areas for action
This report summarises findings from a literature review of the impact of the cost of living crisis on children’s health and well-being. We drew on the findings to make recommendations across eleven priority policy action areas.
A practical handbook on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Delivering prevention, building resilience and developing trauma-informed systems: A resource for professionals and organisations
This new resource aims to support action on ACEs by providing practical advice on implementing work to prevent ACEs, build resilience, and develop trauma-informed organisations, sectors and systems. It supports the development of a trauma-informed society that is invested in action to prevent ACEs and better support those affected by them.
Building the social relationships of older people in Wales: challenges and opportunities
This paper provides a rapid review of older people’s social relationships and networks and how this has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and more recent cost of living crisis.
Building the social relationships of older people in Wales: challenges and opportunities
Costly differences: Living standards for working-age people with disabilities
In this briefing note, the Resolution Foundation focuses on the living standards of people with disabilities, including results from a new survey of just under 8,000 working-age adults, over 2,000 of whom reported a long-term illness or disability, to offer insight into their experience of the current crisis.
Costly differences: Living standards for working-age people with disabilities
Resilience: Understanding the Interdependence Between Individuals and Communities
This report by Public Health Wales brings together evidence from published literature on the interdependence between individual and community resilience, and provides an overview of existing programmes to strengthen resilience.
Resilience: Understanding the Interdependence Between Individuals and Communities
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
This independent research report by Alma Economics, commissioned by Tai Pawb, the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru and Shelter Cymru, explores housing and housing inequality in Wales. The report presents evidence suggesting a direct link between inadequate and unaffordable housing and education.
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
A More Equal Wales: The Socio-economic Duty - Examples of Inequalities of Outcome Due to Socio-Economic Disadvantage and COVID-19
This guidance document by Welsh Government presents examples of inequalities of outcome which arise from socio-economic disadvantage and where these have been exacerbated as a result of COVID-19, including issues of education and digital exclusion. The guidance is intended to be a useful starting point for policy makers in their consideration of inequality of outcomes arising from socio-economic disadvantage.
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
This report by Welsh Government explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled people in Wales, including evidence around increased exclusion, loneliness, isolation and declining mental health and barriers to accessing on-line services.
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
Emerging Drivers of Vulnerability to Health Inequity in the Context of COVID-19: Perspectives and Response from the Voluntary and Community sector in Wales
This qualitative research by Public Health Wales draws on insights from the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in Wales to help understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected vulnerability. It found that during the pandemic, vulnerability rapidly arose and was often exacerbated when individuals were unable to access support from particular resources, services and local infrastructure.
Children and Young People’s Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This report prepared for Public Health Wales reports that spending time outside, keeping physically active, engaging in creative activities and hobbies, establishing routines, maintaining contact with friends online and being aware of the nature of Coronavirus and how to prevent its spread, helped reduce the negative mental health impacts of the pandemic.
Children and Young People’s Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Human Rights are Lifetime Rights
Age Cymru was funded from January to July 2022 to deliver a human rights project in partnership with the Welsh Government. The purpose of this project was to raise awareness of human rights, and to engage with older people across Wales to embed the message that older people are citizens and participants in society, who should expect to have their human rights upheld.
Human Rights are Lifetime Rights
Coronavirus: The Consequences for Mental Health in Wales
This Mind Cymru report describes the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic on people with mental health problems across Wales.
Coronavirus: the consequences for mental health in Wales
Attitudes and Disability: The Experiences of Disabled People in 2022
Changing attitudes is a topic that is consistently raised by disabled people as a top priority, and Scope UK believes negative attitudes and stereotypes are a root cause of the inequality faced by disabled people today. Building on previous attitudes research carried out 5 years ago, the research seeks to understand what attitudes disabled people face, and the effect that has on their work, education, and social lives.
Attitudes and Disability: The experiences of disabled people in 2022