Vulnerability and Unmet Needs

Care Leavers Accommodation And Support Framework For Wales
The Care Leavers’ Accommodation and Support Framework for Wales is a model which aims to help organisations that support young people in making their journeys towards leaving care in Wales.
Care Leavers Accommodation And Support Framework For Wales
The Perfect Storm
The report will explain how factors such as Covid-19, Brexit, the Cost-of-Living crisis, high service demand, and a lack of sustainable funding are impacting frontline workers and the women and children in need of specialist VAWDASV support in a way that could bring the sector into irreversible decline.
Wheelchair provision guidelines
These Wheelchair provision guidelines aim to support improved access to appropriate wheelchairs, for all those in need, including children, older persons, people with mobility disabilities, and those with chronic health conditions. They are relevant for all countries and apply to all wheelchair users and types of wheelchairs. They emphasise that the best outcomes in wheelchair access occur when wheelchair users have the benefit of an individual process of assessment, fitting, training, and follow up, provided by trained personnel.
Wheelchair provision guidelines
Children and the cost of living crisis in Wales: How children’s health and well-being are impacted and areas for action
This report summarises findings from a literature review of the impact of the cost of living crisis on children’s health and well-being.
The Health Experiences of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Wales
This technical report provides insights into asylum seekers’ and refugees’ experiences of health in Wales. It suggests that a compassionate, non-judgemental approach to providing care supports people seeking sanctuary to access healthcare with potential to reduce health inequities.
The Health Experiences of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Wales
Brexit and Poverty in Wales: A Public Health Lens
This report by Public Health Wales seeks to strengthen knowledge and understanding of the implications of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union – ‘Brexit’ - on poverty, and health and well-being in Wales, including a focus on public services including health and care provision. Policy and decision makers, those who are part of the public health system, and stakeholders across sectors, can use the evidence presented to understand the opportunities and risks for communities in Wales, and identify actions to help build a fairer future.
Brexit and Poverty in Wales: A Public Health Lens
Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Workforce for The Future: The Current Health and Well-being of the Nursing and Midwifery Workforce in Wales
This report by Public Health Wales provides an indication of the challenges some staff are facing in our health and social care services. The findings are relevant to those who have responsibilities for the management of staff or are involved in redesigning our services for the future.
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
This independent research report by Alma Economics, commissioned by Tai Pawb, the Chartered Institute of Housing Cymru and Shelter Cymru, explores housing and housing inequality in Wales. The report looks at the costs of inadequate housing, including to health and social care, and presents international examples of other countries that have some form of the right to adequate housing.
The Right to Adequate Housing in Wales: The Evidence Base
A More Equal Wales: The Socio-economic Duty: Examples of Inequalities of Outcome Due to Socio-economic Disadvantage and COVID-19
This guidance document by Welsh Government presents examples of inequalities of outcome which arise from socio-economic disadvantage and where these have been exacerbated as a result of COVID-19, including impacts on health outcomes. The guidance is intended to be a useful starting point for policy makers in their consideration of inequality of outcomes arising from socio-economic disadvantage.
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
This report by Welsh Government explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on disabled people in Wales, including evidence on the disruption to disabled people’s access to on-going medical treatment and health services.
Locked Out: Liberating Disabled People’s Lives and Rights in Wales Beyond COVID-19
Health of Individuals with Lived Experience of Homelessness in Wales During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This report by Public Health Wales demonstrates that healthcare needs are greater in those with lived experience of homelessness. It reinforces the need to reduce barriers to access to healthcare and improve preventative care and management of long-term health conditions in individuals with insecure housing arrangements.
Health of Individuals with Lived Experience of Homelessness in Wales During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 in Wales: The Impact on Levels of Health Care Use and Mental Health of the Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
This report by Public Health Wales reveals marked declines in planned and emergency care for clinically extremely vulnerable and general populations in Wales during 2020 and suggests this unmet need is likely to cause a considerable backlog in demand for mental health and physical health services, and translate to increased service use over time.
The Mental Health Measure Ten Years On
The Mental Health Measure (the Measure) is a key piece of Welsh mental health law. Since its implementation, ten years ago, it has provided a legal framework for improving mental health services and formed a central part of the Welsh Government’s ten year Together for Mental Health Strategy. A decade on from the implementation of the Measure, this report by Mind Cymru looks at how it has changed people’s experiences of accessing support.
The Mental Health Measure Ten Years On
A Perfect Storm: The Funding Crisis Pushing the Welsh Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) Sector to the Brink
This report by Welsh Womens Aid explains how factors such as Covid-19, Brexit, the Cost-of-Living crisis, high service demand, and a lack of sustainable funding are impacting frontline workers and the women and children in need of specialist VAWDASV support in a way that could bring the sector into irreversible decline.
Learning Disability Services, Our Plans for 2022 to 2026
This Easy Read document covers the areas Welsh Government want to work on. It explains what they plan to do to support people with learning disabilities and when.
Learning Disability Services, Our Plans for 2022 to 2026